Aims & Objectives

School For Stateless And Marginalised Children - sfsamc


aims and objectives of the school - sfsamc

Aim Of The School

To provide the basic human right to compulsory primary education to those children who do not have access to public education system for whatever causes, especially children in Likas and surrounding areas.



Objectives Of The School

  • To enable the children who don’t have access to the public education system an opportunity to learn basic reading, writing & counting skills.
  • Provide advisory and guidance services for children in a social welfare capacity.
  • Provide communal and social work within the community.
  • Provide a venue and opportunity for the community to be involved in charitable deeds working as volunteers and inculcate the spirit of gotong royong.
  • Encourage the local community to look at the problems faced by children from poor and deprived families and take proactive steps to overcome or alleviate the problems.
  • Provide a drop-in advice and referral centre for the community.


School For Stateless And Marginalised Children - Aims & Objectives